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Joining PDI

Please fill out our interest form to receive the latest PDI recruitment information!













PDI's research is divided into yearly project cycles. As an incoming researcher, your first quarter with PDI will be dedicated to research workshops and community-building events. At the end of your first quarter, you will be assigned to a project group. As part of this team of typically between 5 and 10 researchers, you will spend the next two quarters diving into a research question and coming up with insights into society's problems. You can see past projects here. The culmination of your year of research is PDI's Annual Symposium, a time and space for your team to share their conclusions with fellow PDI researchers, professors, project partners, community members, and more!

PDI strives to create a fun and supportive community where everyone learns. As such, no prior experience is necessary to join PDIand we welcome undergraduates of all backgrounds to apply.


Follow us on Instagram (@pauldouglasinstitute) and​ LinkedIn for more updates!

Please email if you have any questions about the application.

© 2024 by the Paul Douglas Institute

Based in Chicago, Illinois

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